English Dictionary

MUCOSA (mucosae)

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Irregular inflected form: mucosae  Listen to US pronunciation  Listen to GB pronunciation

 Dictionary entry overview: What does mucosa mean? 

MUCOSA (noun)
  The noun MUCOSA has 1 sense:

1. mucus-secreting membrane lining all body cavities or passages that communicate with the exteriorplay

  Familiarity information: MUCOSA used as a noun is very rare.

 Dictionary entry details 

MUCOSA (noun)

Sense 1


Mucus-secreting membrane lining all body cavities or passages that communicate with the exterior

Classified under:

Nouns denoting body parts


mucosa; mucous membrane

Hypernyms ("mucosa" is a kind of...):

membrane; tissue layer (a pliable sheet of tissue that covers or lines or connects the organs or cells of animals or plants)

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "mucosa"):

conjunctiva (a transparent lubricating mucous membrane that covers the eyeball and the under surface of the eyelid)

endometrium ((pregnancy) the mucous membrane that lines the uterus; thickens under hormonal control and (if pregnancy does not occur) is shed in menstruation; if pregnancy occurs it is shed along with the placenta at parturition)

hymen; maidenhead; virginal membrane (a fold of tissue that partly covers the entrance to the vagina of a virgin)


mucosal (of or relating to mucous membranes)

 Context examples 

They include the mucosa, submucosa, smooth muscle, and serosa.

(Bladder Wall, NCI Thesaurus)

Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, follicular lymphoma, and extranodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma of mucosa associated lymphoid tissue are the most common types of primary non-Hodgkin lymphoma of the breast.

(Breast Lymphoma, NCI Thesaurus)

Except for some reactivity to skin and gastric and colon mucosa, monoclonal antibody COL-1COL-1 does not appear to react with normal tissues.

(Monoclonal Antibody COL-1, NCI Thesaurus)

The triangular area in the bladder mucosa that is formed by the two ureteral orifices and the urethral orifice.

(Bladder Trigone, NCI Thesaurus)

It consists of mucosa, muscular coat, and serosal surface.

(Bladder Tissue, NCI Thesaurus)

It affects most often the gums, eyelids and genital mucosa sites.

(Benign Mucous Membrane Pemphigoid, NCI Thesaurus)

Representative examples include hemangioma, tongue lipoma, and buccal mucosa papilloma.

(Benign Oral Cavity Neoplasm, NCI Thesaurus)

Except for some reactivity to skin and gastric and colon mucosa, monoclonal antibody COL-6 does not appear to react with normal tissues.

(Monoclonal Antibody COL-6, NCI Thesaurus)

Glands in the mucosa make mucus (a thick, slippery fluid).

(Mucosa, NCI Dictionary)

Lymphoid tissue on the mucosa of the small intestine.

(Murine Peyer's Patches, NCI Thesaurus)

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