English Dictionary


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IPA (US): 

 Dictionary entry overview: What does walleye mean? 

WALLEYE (noun)
  The noun WALLEYE has 2 senses:

1. strabismus in which one or both eyes are directed outwardplay

2. pike-like freshwater perchesplay

  Familiarity information: WALLEYE used as a noun is rare.

 Dictionary entry details 

WALLEYE (noun)

Sense 1


Strabismus in which one or both eyes are directed outward

Classified under:

Nouns denoting stable states of affairs


divergent strabismus; exotropia; walleye

Hypernyms ("walleye" is a kind of...):

squint; strabismus (abnormal alignment of one or both eyes)

Sense 2


Pike-like freshwater perches

Classified under:

Nouns denoting animals


dory; jack salmon; Stizostedion vitreum; walleye; walleyed pike

Hypernyms ("walleye" is a kind of...):

pike-perch; pike perch (any of several pike-like fishes of the perch family)

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "walleye"):

blue pickerel; blue pike; blue pikeperch; blue walleye; Strizostedion vitreum glaucum (variety inhabiting the Great Lakes)

 Context examples 

Strabismus - a disorder in which the two eyes don't line up in the same direction. This results in "crossed eyes" or "walleye."

(Eye Movement Disorders, NIH)

 Learn English with... Proverbs 
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"Every animal knows more than you do." (Native American proverb, Nez Perce)

"An excuse is sometime more ugly than a guilt" (Arabic proverb)

"Where there is smoke, there is fire too." (Croatian proverb)


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