English Dictionary


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 Dictionary entry overview: What does splat mean? 

SPLAT (noun)
  The noun SPLAT has 2 senses:

1. a single splashplay

2. a slat of wood in the middle of the back of a straight chairplay

  Familiarity information: SPLAT used as a noun is rare.

SPLAT (verb)
  The verb SPLAT has 3 senses:

1. give off the sound of a bullet flattening on impactplay

2. split open and flatten for cookingplay

3. flatten on impactplay

  Familiarity information: SPLAT used as a verb is uncommon.

 Dictionary entry details 

SPLAT (noun)

Sense 1


A single splash

Classified under:

Nouns denoting natural events

Context example:

he heard a splat as it hit the floor

Hypernyms ("splat" is a kind of...):

plash; splash (the sound like water splashing)


splat (flatten on impact)

splat (give off the sound of a bullet flattening on impact)

Sense 2


A slat of wood in the middle of the back of a straight chair

Classified under:

Nouns denoting man-made objects

Hypernyms ("splat" is a kind of...):

slat; spline (a thin strip (wood or metal))

Holonyms ("splat" is a part of...):

side chair; straight chair (a straight-backed chair without arms)

SPLAT (verb)

Sense 1


Give off the sound of a bullet flattening on impact

Classified under:

Verbs of seeing, hearing, feeling

Hypernyms (to "splat" is one way to...):

go; sound (make a certain noise or sound)

Sentence frame:

Something ----s


splat (a single splash)

splatter (the noise of something spattering or sputtering explosively)

Sense 2


Split open and flatten for cooking

Classified under:

Verbs of size, temperature change, intensifying, etc.

Context example:

splat fish over an open fire

Hypernyms (to "splat" is one way to...):

flatten (make flat or flatter)

Domain category:

cookery; cooking; preparation (the act of preparing something (as food) by the application of heat)

Sentence frame:

Somebody ----s something

Sense 3


Flatten on impact

Classified under:

Verbs of size, temperature change, intensifying, etc.

Context example:

The snowballs splatted on the trees

Hypernyms (to "splat" is one way to...):

flatten; flatten out (become flat or flatter)

Sentence frames:

Something ----s
Something is ----ing PP


splat (a single splash)

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