English Dictionary


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 Dictionary entry overview: What does Ritalin mean? 

RITALIN (noun)
  The noun RITALIN has 1 sense:

1. central nervous system stimulant (trade name Ritalin) used in the treatment of narcolepsy in adults and attention deficit disorder in childrenplay

  Familiarity information: RITALIN used as a noun is very rare.

 Dictionary entry details 

RITALIN (noun)

Sense 1


Central nervous system stimulant (trade name Ritalin) used in the treatment of narcolepsy in adults and attention deficit disorder in children

Classified under:

Nouns denoting man-made objects


methylphenidate; Ritalin

Hypernyms ("Ritalin" is a kind of...):

excitant; stimulant; stimulant drug (a drug that temporarily quickens some vital process)

Domain usage:

trade name (a name given to a product or service)

 Context examples 

Also called methylphenidate hydrochloride and Ritalin.

(Concerta, NCI Dictionary)

Controlled substances with known medical use, such as morphine, Valium, and Ritalin, are available only by prescription from a licensed medical professional.

(Controlled substance, NCI Dictionary)

Also called Concerta and Ritalin.

(Methylphenidate hydrochloride, NCI Dictionary)

 Learn English with... Proverbs 
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"Where there are bees, there is honey." (Albanian proverb)

"The purest people are the ones with good manners." (Arabic proverb)

"By firelight, an old rag looks like sturdy hemp fabric." (Corsican proverb)


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