English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

IPA (US): 

 Dictionary entry overview: What does regionally mean? 

  The adverb REGIONALLY has 1 sense:

1. in a regional mannerplay

  Familiarity information: REGIONALLY used as an adverb is very rare.

 Dictionary entry details 


Sense 1


In a regional manner

Context example:

regionally governed


regional (characteristic of a region)

 Context examples 

He added that localized breaches in the BBB may allow regionally precise delivery of drugs to attack tumor cells even in the earliest stage.

(Brain tumor invasion along blood vessels may lead to new cancer treatments, NIH)

A total 2,607 rare, endemic, or threatened animal species were surveyed in Bahia, out of which 331 have been listed for protection in various threat categories—vulnerable (140); endangered (131); critically endangered (54) and regionally extinct (5).

(Over 300 animal species threatened in Bahia, Agência Brasil)

Local fish catch could help reduce nutrient deficiencies in developing countries — but only if more of it is distributed regionally.

(Fairer fish trade could fix nutrient deficiencies in coastal countries, SciDev.Net)

There may have been certain environmental features, such as deserts, large waterways and/or mountain ranges, that would have limited the movement of animals and promoted the evolution of regionally distinct faunas.

(Paleontologists discover new species of titanosaurian dinosaur in Tanzania, NSF)

 Learn English with... Proverbs 
"Don't spit into the wind." (English proverb)

"To the man behave like a man, to the dog behave like a dog." (Albanian proverb)

"Seek education from the cradle to the grave." (Arabic proverb)

"You're correct, but the goat is mine." (Corsican proverb)


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