English Dictionary


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 Dictionary entry overview: What does Pap test mean? 

PAP TEST (noun)
  The noun PAP TEST has 1 sense:

1. a method of examining stained cells in a cervical smear for early diagnosis of uterine cancerplay

  Familiarity information: PAP TEST used as a noun is very rare.

 Dictionary entry details 

PAP TEST (noun)

Sense 1


A method of examining stained cells in a cervical smear for early diagnosis of uterine cancer

Classified under:

Nouns denoting cognitive processes and contents


Pap test; Papanicolaou test; smear test

Hypernyms ("Pap test" is a kind of...):

diagnostic assay; diagnostic test (an assay conducted for diagnostic purposes)

Meronyms (parts of "Pap test"):

cervical smear; Pap smear; Papanicolaou smear (a sample of secretions and superficial cells of the uterine cervix and uterus; examined with a microscope to detect any abnormal cells)

 Context examples 

A Pap test is a procedure in which cells are scraped from the cervix for examination under a microscope.

(liquid-based Pap test, NCI Dictionary)

A human papillomavirus test may also be done after certain abnormal Pap test results.

(Human papillomavirus test, NCI Dictionary)

A finding of abnormal cells in a Pap test.

(AGC, NCI Dictionary)

A Pap test may also help find other conditions, such as infections or inflammation.

(Pap test, NCI Dictionary)

Also called Pap test and Papanicolaou test.

(Pap smear, NCI Dictionary)

LSIL is caused by certain types of human papillomavirus (HPV) and is a common abnormal finding on a Pap test.

(LSIL, NCI Dictionary)

Low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion is caused by certain types of human papillomavirus (HPV) and is a common abnormal finding on a Pap test.

(Low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion, NCI Dictionary)

The same cell sample may be used for both the HPV test and the Pap test.

(HPV/Pap cotest, NCI Dictionary)

This procedure may be done if abnormal cells are found during a Pap test.

(Endocervical curettage, NCI Dictionary)

Your health care provider can find abnormal cells by doing a Pap test - examining cells from the cervix under a microscope.

(Cervical Cancer, NIH: National Cancer Institute)

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