English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

IPA (US): 

 Dictionary entry overview: What does Medicaid mean? 

  The noun MEDICAID has 1 sense:

1. health care for the needy; a federally and state-funded programplay

  Familiarity information: MEDICAID used as a noun is very rare.

 Dictionary entry details 


Sense 1


Health care for the needy; a federally and state-funded program

Classified under:

Nouns denoting acts or actions

Hypernyms ("Medicaid" is a kind of...):

health care (social insurance for the ill and injured)

 Context examples 

A medical center which is eligible to receive funding from Medicaid but not Medicare.

(Nursing Facility Certified Under Medicaid but Not Certified Under Medicare, NCI Thesaurus/ACC)

The patient will be admitted into a medical center which is eligible to receive funding from Medicaid but not Medicare.

(Nursing Facility Certified Under Medicaid but Not Certified Under Medicare, NCI Thesaurus/CDISC)

People who meet certain requirements can qualify for government health insurance, such as Medicare and Medicaid.

(Health Insurance, NIH)

They include the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMMS).

(Department of Health and Human Services, NCI Dictionary)

In addition to Medicare and Medicaid, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services oversee the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA), and other services.

(Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, NCI Thesaurus)

 Learn English with... Proverbs 
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"Every guest is welcome for three days." (Croatian proverb)


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