English Dictionary


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KIDD (noun)
  The noun KIDD has 1 sense:

1. Scottish sea captain who was hired to protect British shipping in the Indian Ocean and then was accused of piracy and hanged (1645-1701)play

  Familiarity information: KIDD used as a noun is very rare.

English dictionary: Word details

KIDD (noun)

Sense 1


Scottish sea captain who was hired to protect British shipping in the Indian Ocean and then was accused of piracy and hanged (1645-1701)

Classified under:

Nouns denoting people


Captain Kidd; Kidd; William Kidd

Instance hypernyms:

captain; master; sea captain; skipper (an officer who is licensed to command a merchant ship)

 Context examples 

Aye, here it is: 'Capt. Kidd's Anchorage'—just the name my shipmate called it.

(Treasure Island, by Robert Louis Stevenson)

“I'll tell you one thing,” says I: “I'm not going back to Captain Kidd's anchorage. I mean to get into North Inlet and beach her quietly there.”

(Treasure Island, by Robert Louis Stevenson)

I remembered that the most easterly of the rivers which drain into Captain Kidd's anchorage ran from the two-peaked hill upon my left, and I bent my course in that direction that I might pass the stream while it was small.

(Treasure Island, by Robert Louis Stevenson)

 Learn English with... Proverbs 
"Talk the hind legs off a donkey." (English proverb)

"Man has responsibility, not power." (Native American proverb, Tuscarora)

"A mountain won't get to a mountain, but a human will get to a human." (Armenian proverb)

"He who has money and friends, turns his nose at justice." (Corsican proverb)


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