English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 Dictionary entry overview: What does jiao mean? 

JIAO (noun)
  The noun JIAO has 1 sense:

1. 10 jiao equal 1 yuan in Chinaplay

  Familiarity information: JIAO used as a noun is very rare.

 Dictionary entry details 

JIAO (noun)

Sense 1


10 jiao equal 1 yuan in China

Classified under:

Nouns denoting quantities and units of measure

Hypernyms ("jiao" is a kind of...):

Chinese monetary unit (the monetary unit in the People's Republic of China)

Meronyms (parts of "jiao"):

fen (100 fen equal 1 yuan in China)

Holonyms ("jiao" is a part of...):

kwai; yuan (the basic unit of money in China)

 Learn English with... Proverbs 
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"The world will not find rest by just saying «peace.»" (Afghanistan proverb)

"An army of sheep led by a lion would defeat an army of lions led by a sheep." (Arabic proverb)

"Leave the spool to the artisan." (Corsican proverb)


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