English Dictionary


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 Dictionary entry overview: What does Jaffa mean? 

JAFFA (noun)
  The noun JAFFA has 1 sense:

1. a port in western Israel on the Mediterranean; incorporated into Tel Aviv in 1950play

  Familiarity information: JAFFA used as a noun is very rare.

 Dictionary entry details 

JAFFA (noun)

Sense 1


A port in western Israel on the Mediterranean; incorporated into Tel Aviv in 1950

Classified under:

Nouns denoting spatial position


Jaffa; Joppa; Yafo

Instance hypernyms:

city; metropolis; urban center (a large and densely populated urban area; may include several independent administrative districts)

port (a place (seaport or airport) where people and merchandise can enter or leave a country)

Holonyms ("Jaffa" is a part of...):

Tel Aviv; Tel Aviv-Jaffa; Tel Aviv-Yalo (the largest city and financial center of Israel; located in western Israel on the Mediterranean)

 Learn English with... Proverbs 
"We must take the bad with the good." (English proverb)

"Walk lightly in the spring; Mother Earth is pregnant." (Native American proverb, Kiowa)

"Avoid the company of a liar. And if you can't avoid him, don't believe him." (Arabic proverb)

"He who has nothing will not eat. If you want flour, go gather chestnuts." (Corsican proverb)


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