English Dictionary


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 Dictionary entry overview: What does choice mean? 

CHOICE (noun)
  The noun CHOICE has 3 senses:

1. the person or thing chosen or selectedplay

2. the act of choosing or selectingplay

3. one of a number of things from which only one can be chosenplay

  Familiarity information: CHOICE used as a noun is uncommon.

CHOICE (adjective)
  The adjective CHOICE has 2 senses:

1. of superior gradeplay

2. appealing to refined tasteplay

  Familiarity information: CHOICE used as an adjective is rare.

 Dictionary entry details 

CHOICE (noun)

Sense 1


The person or thing chosen or selected

Classified under:

Nouns denoting cognitive processes and contents


choice; pick; selection

Context example:

he was my pick for mayor

Hypernyms ("choice" is a kind of...):

deciding; decision making (the cognitive process of reaching a decision)

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "choice"):

favorite; favourite (something regarded with special favor or liking)

way (doing as one pleases or chooses)

pleasure (a formal expression)

Sense 2


The act of choosing or selecting

Classified under:

Nouns denoting acts or actions


choice; option; pick; selection

Context example:

you can take your pick

Hypernyms ("choice" is a kind of...):

action (something done (usually as opposed to something said))

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "choice"):

coloration; colouration (choice and use of colors (as by an artist))

sampling ((statistics) the selection of a suitable sample for study)

conclusion; decision; determination (the act of making up your mind about something)

volition; willing (the act of making a choice)

election (the act of selecting someone or something; the exercise of deliberate choice)

ballot; balloting; vote; voting (a choice that is made by counting the number of people in favor of each alternative)

casting (the choice of actors to play particular roles in a play or movie)

Sense 3


One of a number of things from which only one can be chosen

Classified under:

Nouns denoting cognitive processes and contents


alternative; choice; option

Context example:

my only choice is to refuse

Hypernyms ("choice" is a kind of...):

deciding; decision making (the cognitive process of reaching a decision)

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "choice"):

obverse (the more conspicuous of two alternatives or cases or sides)

druthers; preference (the right or chance to choose)

default; default option (an option that is selected automatically unless an alternative is specified)

opening; possibility; possible action (a possible alternative)

impossibility; impossible action (an alternative that is not available)

Hobson's choice (the choice of taking what is offered or nothing at all)

soft option (an easier alternative)

CHOICE (adjective)

 Declension: comparative and superlative 
Comparative: choicer  Listen to US pronunciation  Listen to GB pronunciation
Superlative: choicest  Listen to US pronunciation  Listen to GB pronunciation

Sense 1


Of superior grade


choice; prime; prize; quality; select

Context example:

select peaches


superior (of high or superior quality or performance)


choiceness (the quality of being very good indeed)

Sense 2


Appealing to refined taste

Context example:

choice wine


tasty (pleasing to the sense of taste)

 Context examples 

If you are looking for a new apartment or house or a particular piece of furniture, you may find your ideal choice on December 27 and even purchase it at a great price.

(AstrologyZone.com, by Susan Miller)

Red spinach will give processors another choice, said ARS research geneticist Beiquan Mou, who developed the new variety.

(World's First True Red Spinach Variety Released, U.S. Department of Agriculture)

“Cross-laminated timber is a popular choice of timber construction material. It’s made by gluing together layers of sawn timber, each at a right angle to the layer below,” said Shah.

(Visualising heat flow in bamboo could help design more energy-efficient and fire-safe buildings, University of Cambridge)

Given the health risk of obesity, it is time to move away from considering obesity as a lifestyle choice.

(Middle Age Severely Obese People More Likely to Die Early, The Titi Tudorancea Bulletin)

The same brain areas were active when participants made decisions about whether to accept a gift from a robot by signalling the evaluations that guided participants’ choices.

(Scientists identify possible source of the ‘Uncanny Valley’ in the brain, University of Cambridge)

The choice between self-renewal and differentiation creates a fine balance between maintaining a pool of satellite cells for future repairs and making muscle cells for current tissue repair.

(Controlling Muscle Repair, NIH)

By observing a partner’s foraging choices, for instance, we learn which foods are valuable and worth choosing.

(‘Mindreading’ neurons simulate decisions of social partners, University of Cambridge)

Eating high-fibre foods is important when it comes to satisfying hunger, since these foods reduce snacking and therefore help control energy intake and promote healthier food choices.

(Researchers reveal potential of bread that suppresses appetite, University of Granada)

NASA plans to launch the ARM (Asteroid Redirect Mission) robotic spacecraft in 2019 and will make a final choice of the asteroid for the mission about a year before the spacecraft launches.

(NASA announces latest progress in hunt for asteroids, NASA)

But in a lifetime of meal choices, eating like this every day could do some damage to a person's body, said Lemay.

(Humans More Unique than Expected When It Comes to Digesting Fatty Meals, U.S. Department of Agriculture)

 Learn English with... Proverbs 
"You can't free a fish from water." (English proverb)

"One could not cross a bridge constructed by oneself." (Bhutanese proverb)

"Your tongue is your horse— if you take care of it, it takes care of you; if you betray it, betrays it will." (Arabic proverb)

"Life is just as long as the time it takes for someone to pass by a window." (Corsican proverb)


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